Logo B4 Design & Engineering

Get ready for
  • Sustainability
  • Urban engineering
  • Green city
  • Mobility
  • Taylor-made approach
  • Future

The city is something more than a conglomeration of individual men and social conveniences; something more, also, than a mere constellation of administrative institutions and devices. The city is rather a state of mind: a set of customs and traditions, organized attitudes, and sentiments that are inherent in these customs, transmitted with this tradition. In other words, the city is not simply a physical mechanism and an artificial construction. It is involved in the vital processes of the population that composes it; it is a product of nature and, particularly, of human nature.

Robert Park, 1925


is an engineering workshop specializing in urban infrastructure, established in 2015. After careers in leading French engineering groups, we wanted to meet the expectations of our clients and partners with a small, agile, open, responsive structure, and recognized cutting-edge expertise.

We design infrastructure projects in France and in more than 18 countries on 4 continents: eco-districts in Senegal and Ivory Coast, urban renovations in Ukraine, downtown redevelopment projects in the heart of French regions, hydraulic expertise in French Guiana, wind turbine projects in Martinique, and more. A real diversity of projects, scales, partners, and encounters that enrich our daily lives.

We firmly believe that the city of tomorrow must be efficient, sustainable, and resilient, developed in synergy with all stakeholders: residents, decision-makers, developers, planners, architects, urbanists, and landscapers. Within these project teams, our role as engineers is to provide effective, pragmatic, and sustainable solutions: project management, upstream diagnostics, project management, optimization search, and expertise.

Technical mastery and design philosophy

B4 D&E’s design philosophy is guided by the integration of technically suitable solutions tailored to the local context, ensuring the feasibility and viability of the project while also guaranteeing its overall economy, environmental impact, and resilience. It is through the integration of these key aspects that B4 D&E will realize a shared, responsible, and sustainable project.

The city is built around a population and is shaped by its economy, mobility, environment, residents, way of life, policies, and organization. B4 Design & Engineering’s philosophy is based on integrating each urban project into its unique context, defined by the identity of the city that welcomes it.

  • Flow management
  • Smart city
  • Innovation
  • Sustainable waste management
  • Smart lighting
  • Sustainable urbanization
  • Autonomous project
  • Economic efficiency
  • Social equity
  • Environmental integrity
  • Renewable energy
  • Greening
  • Accessibility
  • Shared public space
  • Urban resilience
  • Green network
  • Crisis management strategy
  • Sustainable mobility
  • Urban engineering
  • Flood risk management
  • Climate-related management
  • Preserving the water cycle
  • Existing network expertise
  • Risk analysis
  • Hydraulic expertise
  • Infiltration
  • Hydraulic transparency
  • Filtration basin
  • Phytoremediation
  • Swale
  • Lagoon
  • Blue network

A responsive and agile team that tailors a customized offer for you.

Portrait Karim BENSIAM


Associate Engineer

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Portrait Bertrand SAINTE-MARIE


Associate Engineer

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Portrait de Remi TARGET


BIM Coordinator in apprenticeship

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Antriana KOUMI

Intern Civil Engineer

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Interested in joining our B4 team?
Contact us!

Our experts combine expertise in French, English, and Arabic across 43 countries.

Since 2015, our expertise has been serving multiple projects


NEW CITY projects




Tourist and residential projects



Nos partenaires


+33 7 71 43 11 75 | +33 7 79 59 43 62

109 boulevard Stalingrad – 69100 Villeurbanne – France


The chameleon is a remarkable reptile!

Thanks to its 360° field of vision and its ability to blend into the surroundings, it comprehends and analyzes its environment perfectly. This thoughtful animal always achieves its goal.

Interested in applying at B4?
We are constantly on the lookout for new talents.