Urban campus heating and cooling network.

Paris-Saclay, France


2016 – 2018

VRD Infrastructure


The Idex / Egis consortium designs and implements, on behalf of the Paris-Saclay Public Development Agency, an innovative heating and cooling network powered by geothermal wells for the urban campus. This project falls under the framework of a CREM (Conception-Realization-Exploitation-Maintenance) contract and covers the two central facilities as well as the networks.

Scope of Reflection

Infrastructure development for public spaces and connection to the new buildings.

our missions

AVP | Preliminary Design

DET | Construction Contract Management

PRO | Development Design

VISAStudy Execution Visa

Studies of the infrastructure for centralized facilities,

  • Leveling and earthworks
  • Network services
  • Management of stormwater (alternative techniques)

Studies conducted using a “digital model” approach (3D synthesis).


Hélène Fricout HFC (Architecture des installations centralisées)​


EPAPS / Idex-Egis

©Hélène Fricout HFC

©Hélène Fricout HFC